Omt Greece Hellas Ompt

Omt Greece Hellas Ompt






The Hellas-OMPT is the official organization representing Greece at the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT), which is a full member with voting rights. Members are all the bodies of Manual Therapy educational programs in Greece, recognized by the World Federation.

According to the rules of IFOMPT, in a country where there are over than one recognized educational programs, then there is the requirement that these programs create an umbrella organization (Umbrella Group), which undertakes joint representation of educational programs and the country in IFOMPT.

In Greece, this role is required to play the Hellas-OMT, which was created in June 2010 by the bodies of two programs that had until then the certification of the IFOMPT, and these are the scientific part of manual therapy of the Panhellenic Physiotherapy Association (OMT -Greece) and the Association of Manipulative Physiotherapists of Greece (AMPG). On 17.06.2014was accepted from executive and the education committee of the Hellas-OMT, as an equal member Hellenic OMT Diploma (H-OMT.D). They are the only three that still today provide until now certified by the IFOMPT educational programs in Manual Therapy, in Greece.

The Hellas-OMPT managed by an executive committee which includes two regular and one alternate member from each recognized program. This Executive Committee consists of Tatsio Petro, Kyriako Giannopoulo and Zorzo Marco (substitute) by the OMT-Greece, Korakaki Dimitri, Manolaraki Manolis and Karagouni Niko (substitute) by the AMPG and Sakellariou Kostantino, Sideri Alexandro and Sotirali Ioanni (substitute) by the H-OMT.D.

The educational requirements and the compliance of the International Monitoring process controlled by the nine-member Education Committee, which includes Karakasidou Palina, Hatzi George and Stavropoulo Agelo by the OMT-Greece, Zervakaki Elena, Proimaki Despina and Protopapadaki Anastasia by AMPG and Karanasio Stefano, Sotirali Ioanni and Korakaki Vasilio by the H-OMT.D.

Representation in IFOMPT provided alternately by the educational programs, two year term. After the unanimous decision of the executive committee driven entirely from the successful first term remains for the next two years as a representative of the country Mr Manolarakis Manolis, member of A.M.P.G. (mobile: 00306972992209, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Executive Committee


  • Tatsios Petros
  • Giannopoulos Kyriakos
  • Zorzo Marco


  • Korakakis Dimitris
  • Manolarakis Manolis
  • Karagounis Nikos


  • Sakellariou Konstantinos
  • Sideris Alexandros
  • Sotiralis Yiannis

Educational Committee


  • Palina Karakasidou
  • Giorgos Chatzis
  • Aggelos Spyropoulos


  • Zervakaki Elena
  • proimaki Despoina
  • Protopapadaki Anastasia


  • Karanasios Stefanos
  • Sotiralis Yiannis
  • Korakakis Vasileios